Sunday, October 12, 2014

Vegetarian Lasagna

I'm going to start this post by saying this: I'm freaking out about this Ebola Virus thing. I mean literally… I was heading upstairs to post this at around 5:30PM but then the news came on. We all know that's practically in the horror category anyway, but then it really hit home when they said someone might have Ebola now in Massachusetts. Now I'm already paranoid about disease, or infections as it is - add that one step closer to my little town and I'm about ready to join the Doomsday Preppers! (I mean seriously, I want my own Bug Out Bag!) So my 5:30 post is now a 7:00 post because I just researched how you can contract Ebola for the past hour… You know, on the brighter side of things though, I made a simple and delicious vegetarian lasagna tonight.
My mom who complains lately about how I never, not even once cooked for her and my father when I lived with them will now get to enjoy that lasagna tomorrow - as she's cat sitting.
Cat-Sitting This Sexy Lady

So for all of you who need an easy meal some night to cook, and or maybe you just want someone to stop pestering you to cook for them. Or hey maybe you really just need a favor (or a cat-sitter) offer up a little bit of vegetarian lasagna as a simple, "do this please!" 
No but really, I love you mom! Hehe and I know how much you love our girl Bella the Biter. 

Vegetarian Lasagna

  • Lasagna Pasta (1/2 Box)
  • Marinara Sauce (20 Ounce Jar)
  • Pesto Sauce (5 Tablespoons)
  • Onion (1/2, Diced)
  • Red Pepper (1/2, Diced)
  • Parmesan Cheese (5 Tablespoons)
  • Ricotta Cheese (1/2 Cup)


  • In a large pot, boil the Lasagna Pasta till al dente. Strain and set aside.
  • Place a coating of the Marinara on the bottom of a casserole dish, one tablespoon of the Pesto, some Onion, and Red Pepper. 
  • Layer two slices of Pasta on top of the sauce (more if needed), and cover with small amounts of all of the ingredients.
  • Keep layering in this way until you cannot stack anymore pasta in the dish, cover the last layer with Marinara and Pesto and a bit of Parmesan. 
  • Preheat oven to 400 Degrees Fahrenheit, and bake until the cheese is just a little golden brown on top. 
  • Plate and Enjoy

This is pretty tasty, and I personally love the simplicity of this dish. Sometimes I like just throwing together a meal as opposed to dedicating lots of time for it, and this just so happens to be one of those nights!

See you all tomorrow for my other pre-cook post!

1 comment:

  1. Lol! Thank you sweetie! See if I complained long enough, I knew I'd get you to cook for me!
