Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sometime's I'm A Sucker for Italian - That's For Tomorrow's Menu

I know I know, most books nowadays feature romance somewhere in it's midst. Sometimes it's overdone, and other times it's honestly realistic and perfectly balanced into the rest of the plot. Thus far in The Clearing I will give Rydder credit where it's due. The romance that's been blossoming between Beth and Sheriff Frank Cutlip is realistic, and not overly focused on - but it adds a much needed offsite focus from the action of the plot.
I don't remember how far along it was that lasagna was mentioned in the book, but for some reason the following passage reminded me of it.

"Frank stood and crossed over to the hat rack, strapping on his gun belt and pulling on his uniform hat. 'You know,' he said, sweeping Beth up in his arms, 'you have a pretty smart mouth, for a teeny tiny professor type.'" (Rydder 159).

Oh I know it's so cheesy, and it's certainly not everyone cares for in books and that's okay! I personally like it, and this particular passage reminded me of the first time when the Sheriff and Beth started delving from just being neighborly to a potential date (even though they never made it to dinner). On that particular time though they were out for lasagna, and I figured why not make it this time?

Plus who else thinks of this for romance mixed with Italian food?

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