Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Apricot Almond Pastry Disasters...

Ok so I'm not going to even waste a post on a recipe that was abhorrent. There's a good reason I've never baked a pastry before in my life, and it pretty much gets summed up in two words - I suck.
I had a great concept, the dough looked lovely - hell it even smelled good not baked. So where did I go wrong? I tried using a small amount of Apricot Preserves because getting true Apricots here in Maine this late in the season is impossible… This leads me to point out something for everyone:
Rule Number One of Cooking - Don't Cheap Out
Rule Number Two of Cooking - Try to Cook Seasonal Foods

Let's just face it, I was all excited for this recipe, I loved the concept of it - I even loved the way the book described it. I ruined what could have been a good recipe though by getting a cheap substitute that (quite frankly) isn't even remotely close to just pure Apricots…
I will admit that I laughed though - because I can now officially post my "no-show" recipe of the evening. I did mention when I started this blog that I was still learning, and part of that learning process is at least admitting that I screwed up. (Or at least I keep telling myself that).
Hell I could've lied to all of you and said it turned out great, and to try it at home! (On second thought, where's that delete post button…) I didn't though because I think it's hilarious that a simple little mistake can completely alter the chemistry of a baking project.

Someone once told me baking is a science compared to just cooking, and I couldn't agree more right now. (I also was never great at science.) I think I'll try a redo of this recipe once again when apricots are in season here in Maine - mainly because I won't take this one failure as an answer to never making this recipe again.

Let's just catch back up on Thursday everyone, and I can tell you all what I'll be cooking on Friday (which won't be a no-show recipe I promise!).

PS: Does anyone else have some recipe screw-ups that they'd love to share?


  1. HAHAAA....
    Now you know why I always chose to buy baked goods from a great bakery

  2. You at least liked the cake I made one time with a raspberry glaze on it!
