Saturday, September 13, 2014

Crock Potting a Lamb Stew for Tomorrow!

Hello everyone! Sorry for the late post - tonight was Ricky's sister's birthday dinner at the family's. His dad even lit off some fireworks for us all - they were great for the unseasonably cool night tonight. (No really, it's unseasonably cold.)

Tomorrow's recipe is a little different than the one in The Hundred-Foot Journey, mainly because we can't just go out and buy meat such as rabbit at a grocery store. Ricky came up with the idea however of buying lamb because it has a similar taste to a gamey meat. The reason why I'm choosing to make this rendition of a recipe is due to the similarity of the first time Hassan made a dish for his family's kitchen and it was complimented. This is the first time Hassan makes a dish solely on his own in Madame Mallory's kitchen, and in the book he's making a hare stew.

This may not seem entirely like a compliment - but coming from Madame Mallory this truly was a change for Hassan's status in the kitchen. 

Mine won't truly be a game dish - however I hope that you all will come back for a recipe that I whip up tomorrow. It's going to be a crock pot meal - perfect for a chilly Football Sunday. (Also perfect for lazy individuals.)

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